Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Road to Dopey: Week 15 - When sickness knocks you flat

April Miles to Date: 6.5
April Average Pace: 14:28
2016 Miles to Date: 101.3
Yoga/Strength Training Sessions this week: 0
Streak Day: 1 (Maximum: 9)
The American 200: 27.4 mi/200

Well, then. I didn't blog last week because I didn't think I had much to say. And then I didn't work out all week. On Sunday, I went for an easy 4 mile run that I wound up walking the great majority of because my legs felt like lead. That afternoon I had a terrible headache and went to bed nauseous. Monday morning I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck and went home sick from work (no workout that morning). That evening I still felt nauseous and the next morning I woke up and got sick (no run). Thankfully, this was the last day I felt too sick to work or do anything more than lay on my couch all week, but because I was massively dehydrated for the rest of the week, I didn't do any workouts. Additionally, I only went back to eating real food on Thursday, which meant my fuel reserves for working out were pretty much depleted.

I knew I shouldn't be running or strength training, or even attempting yoga, so I listened to my body and stayed lazy. I'm chomping at the bit to get back to it and since this morning was the fifth straight morning I woke up feeling okay and actually hungry, I am determined to get back to it this week. I'm traveling Wednesday through Friday, but there is a gym at my hotel and I'm toying with the idea of packing my running shoes and using the treadmill. Got to get those miles in before my vacation where I'm not even attempting to run in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS.

I am so very excited to go back to Disney and to get to enjoy more of it than last time. I love running races at Disney and I'm anxious to return and do another one, but the eating schedule, the resting of my legs, and the early bedtimes keep you from doing everything. I'm also really looking forward to some bonding time with my mom.

Wish me luck on my workouts this week. I'll be sure to update you about my travels and success or failures next week. Until then, it's BOSTON week, which is a big week for this sport I have come to find myself a part of. Good luck to all the runners. #BostonStrong

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