Monday, June 17, 2013

What have I been up to this weekend? More importantly, what about you?!

This weekend I took a much needed break from school and work to do some crafting. It relaxes my brain and soothes my soul, so it's how I spend most my weekends.

This weekend, after an inspired trip to JoAnn Fabrics, I finally turned back to the paper-piece project that started it all...the Project of Doom, as it is so aptly named on Fandom in Stitches. Due to the limitations of my sewing machine, I've decided to lap quilt it instead. It's been slow going, but has allowed me to do a level of detail work I'd never have been able to accomplish on the machine.

But even more exciting, was logging onto the Flickr group this morning and seeing the first photo not by me from the RDP SAL!!!

Keep stitching stitchers! Have a great week!!!

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